
Providing care for someone else requires legal authority

When an elderly person can no longer take care of themselves, they may need a legal guardian to look after them. Children whose lawful parents are absent for any reason may need a legal guardian to protect them and make decisions on their behalf. Adults who have serious disabilities may need someone to look after their affairs. The person who assumes these responsibilities is called a guardian and the person under their care is called a “protected person.”

Guardianships are court proceedings that permit someone to take on the legal responsibility for a person’s health, well-being and care. A guardian is accountable to the court for their actions and must swear an oath to discharge their duties faithfully. Guardians have to report back to the court regulalry about the care they’ve provided until the guardianship ends.

Sometimes, a guardian must also look after the ward’s financial affairs in addition to their health and well-being. If that is the case, the ward needs a conservatorship too.

If you have a loved one who may need a guardian, get competent legal representation that is up to date on the latest changes in Iowa’s guardianship law. Legue Law can help.

  • A guardian is a person appointed by the court to look after another person who is legally disabled in some significant way due to age, infirmity or mental illness.
  • A person under a guardianship is called the “protected person.”
  • A guardian has special responsibilities to the protected person and must discharge them properly or the guardian may face legal consequences.
  • Guardianships often last for many years and require regular reports back to the court to continue.

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